basket analysis

Drive larger order sizes with Basket Analysis

Incomparable customer insights at the basket level

Identify the best offers to include in your website recommendation zones, promotional strategies and marketing creative using EDITED’s advanced Basket Analysis tool.

basket analysis

Understand customer shopping behavior

Customer centricity begins with Basket Analysis

In-depth correlation and behavioral analysis make it easy for your team to boost your strategy and performance. This advanced analysis allows you to look at product combinations based on a wide range of variables including region, profit decile customers, promotions, product types and more.

Reduce cart abandonment

See what’s being ordered with what, which products drive the largest baskets and pairings that drive the greatest lift.

Understand and target high-value customers

Optimize marketing and merchandising strategies by understanding purchasing combination behavior by customer segment.

Analyze promotion effectiveness

Understand which promotions drive which products, get stacked, are profitable and catalyze other non-promo halo effect.

Increase basket size and value

Analyze your brands, categories and products to identify opportunities that drive higher average order value.


Check out our other fantastic products

EDITED’s Connected Commerce Cloud provides leading retailers with the products they need to optimize their omnichannel strategy and digitalization.